Craniosacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on technique of working with the dura mater, which is the thick connective tissue that lines the inside of your skull and spinal column. This tissue is essentially the sack that contains the cerebrospinal fluid that nourishes and suspends your brain and spinal cord. Simply put, the craniosacral system is the home of your central nervous system.
Tension in this system can contribute to both physical and cognitive dysfunction as it creates strain on the brain and spinal nerves. This tension can be the result of physical injury, concussion, traumatic birthing process for either mother or child, emotional stress, and PTSD. This therapy is especially potent because it treats the core of your nervous system, your central nervous system, as well as the core of your structure, your spine and skull.
For more information, visit the bio or website of Susie Roman, our CranioSacral specialist.
Kalen Ledbetter, Cindi Thomas, Holly Krebs, and Risa Kearn incorporate CranioSacral Therapy into their practice.