Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a gentle and effective hands-on technique to address myofascial connective tissues restrictions in order to eliminate pain, restore function, and correct soft-tissue related postural issues.

Fascia is connective tissue comprised of collagen, elastic fibers, and a gel-like matrix. It surrounds and weaves between the various surfaces and structures of the body including our organs, vessels, nerves, and muscles. Myofascia (muscle = myo) covers every muscle fiber, muscle fiber bundle, and whole muscle. The myofascia continues seamlessly, becoming tendons that connect to ligaments, bone, and other myofascia. While our bones give us our structure and our muscles move the body, the fascial system keeps our structure upright.

In health, the fascial system glides with elasticity, allowing for fluid movement and maintaining a balance of ease and strength. Whether from conditioned postures, trauma, inflammatory processes, or surgical procedures, parts of this system can become dry and sticky, causing restrictions. Fascial restrictions are commonplace and can place a surprisingly large amount of pressure (around 2,000 lbs per square inch) on sensitive structures.

These restrictions can be painful or painless, but they all have a knock-on impact on the rest of the body because the fascia system is a whole-body system. Like a snag in your favorite sweater, a pull in one corner causes a pull in another. 

A MFR session will often start at "the place that hurts," and we will follow sensation and other clues to look for the fascial cause elsewhere in your body.

Myofascial Release is offered by Kerry Hagner.

What to expect in your Myofascial Release session

Myofascial Release is performed directly on skin without oils, creams, or any tools. With gentle pressure, we sink into the fascial barrier, feel into the direction of restriction, and then wait, without force, for release. Once there is movement, we follow that movement until we reach the next barrier. 

No two MFR sessions are the same. There are common patterns of fascial restriction, but ultimately I follow the tissues and feel what is happening in your body today.

As the receiver, you are asked to pay attention to the sensations you feel, how they change, and where new sensations arise.